Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Go EGO!!!

It seems like years since I’ve written a word. I guess this phase, when we feel detached from our favourite activities, favourite food and sometimes even our favourite people, is common to everyone’s life. It doesn’t imply that we have grown hatred towards those things or people, as I said it is just a passing phase, a phase which, if handled well, can end in developing the same interests and relationships for better.

But, we human beings have issues…huge issues. Sometimes our egos stand as barriers and at times the others’. We sometimes stop doing an activity we like most because someone close to us thinks it is a waste of time or unworthy or gives us some other random reason, likewise, we stop communicating to someone close to our heart because the person, according to us, did something which hurt us (could be sometimes true and at others just an assumption born out of our amplified egos).

I could be wrong, but I sometimes feel that egos grow with generations. When I look at the my parents, the eldest generation (generation of the 40’s & 50’s) I have been watching day in and day out, I wonder how they could be so cool about people or incidents of the past which really really affected their lives, how they just acceptingly smile at the most disregardful people, how they manage not to lose it when the kids play nasty; yes they have their bad days too, ofcourse they wouldn’t probably understand the differed values and priorities of life of the younger generation, but they are by far the best models for the new sprigs. Next in line, I have closely noticed, is the generation of the 70’s, who carry a modern outlook to life, yet touch base with the roots. True to the rule they have issues too, but they know how to handle relationships, or should I say how not to mishandle relationships. Now about us, we are tech-savvy, excessively fast and have the ability to handle any work crisis sitting in some resort without letting the boss know of our absence at work, we use iphones& ipads, send i-cards and  i-gifts, book i-tickets; we are so obssessed with the letter 'i' that we seize to remember that any other letter exists, specially "u" and "we". We crave for love and care in relationships, but expect the others to come forward, we long for smiles but ourselves keep ironed faces, we crave to hug a friend when sad but put up wide smiles to hide the sadness and when a relationship withers we break even by making new relationships and never try hard enough to set things right however special the lost relationship be. 

There again we go back to square one…our egos…we give the reason for non-expression several names like fear, respect, care etc. but ultimately it is the ego thrashing us left, right and center without us even realizing it. I myself have had several occasions when disputes could have been easily sorted with a little of selfless thought. There are misunderstandings I didn't try to clear giving self-respect as the reason, there are several interests I left buried having respect for others as the reason, there are several things I never tried giving fear as the reason; all reasons sum up to the three letter killer 'EGO'. We hide behind self-respect, fear, respect and other such terms because we want to protect & preserve our ego like a just-conceived baby, very prominent to us but unknown to the world. In the thick of following the "i" we don't even realize when our life, instead of moving forward, stagnates and twists and turns to become a "!".

Well, I just decided that I shall try to get rid of all the synonyms of "EGO" and start off fresh and new. Its easy to go without an ego!!!!

Cheers to going... Cheers to letting go....